Holy smokes! It’s been almost two months since I last logged on here to post. 😱

So much has happened in this time.

I have decided to participate in a coaching program that is helping me think through some new offerings I would like to create for new clients.

🙈 While it’s been fun, it’s also scary.

Change at any level and in any area is scary.

We are creatures of habit and we want things to stay the same, to live in our comfort zones.

And yet, as humans, we strive for self-actualization. We strive for growth.

But, in reality, our comfort zones will kill us.

They kill the fun.

They kill the excitement. They kill the joy and the forward momentum.

🦄 This is why I have decided to bust through my comfort zone, break out of my rut, and have some fun while doing it.

I also need to be gentle with myself, because this is scary stuff!

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

💪 I am choosing me, my life, my expansion and my joy while also being afraid.

I know that on the other side of this, is an offering that will also help new clients who come my way. And that is very important to me.

You see, my mission in life is to raise the consciousness of the planet. I want to do this by facilitating spaces where people feel safe enough to turn toward the parts of themselves that they (used to) think were unloveable, wrong, dirty, and shameful.

The truth is, we are all more alike than different. We all have things we would like to stay hidden.

But, it is in being seen, heard and validated for who we truly are that our lives can actually take off and become the imperfect perfection that we are meant for.