12 Universal Laws As Told For Visualization
Have you ever heard of the 12 Universal Laws? These Laws, which are spiritual in nature, can be used to determine the interaction of the Universe and all beings herein. The 12 Universal Laws provide a structure for attempting to understand the powerful energy we all work with on a daily basis, often without intention or deep understanding. In recent years, one of these laws, The Law of Attraction, has been made very popular by a movie called The Secret, as well as teachers such as Abraham Hicks. While this law is very important, it is only a small piece of the puzzle. All 12 laws need to work together to bring you the kind of results you’re looking for.
If you’ve been following me for the past year or so, you know how much I love visualization and its powerful effects in our lives. Visualization is a powerful self-care technique used to increase feelings of peace, success, confidence, and fulfillment. Research shows that simply leading the mind through the completion of an activity is as powerful as taking physical action and improves performance of the action that was visualized. We can change everything with intention, determination, and belief. All of the answers that we seek are already within us. It is up to us to quiet the outside noise, trust our intuition, and dive in. For these reasons, the 12 Universal Laws completely speak to the power of visualization.
I have composed a series of 3 blog posts to describe how the 12 Universal Laws can help us to delve deeper into our visualization practice. Here, I will break down the third 4 Laws. This is the last post of this series!
The Law of Relativity
This law tells us that everything is a lesson. You can either believe that something is happening TO you, or happening FOR you. The choice to view your situation in one way or the other is yours. I encourage you to check in with yourself and objectively view your reaction to events in your life. Ask yourself how you are taking it. Ask yourself if you see yourself as a victim, or as an empowered person in your life.
It is also important to realize that your perspective is everything. Other people have a different version of reality than you. The next time you are in a room with someone, ask them to write down 15 things they notice, and you do the same. Then compare what you both noticed. You will most likely find that you both noticed different things. This illustrates that we can be in the “exact” same place as another, and have a completely different experience. It is relative to our interpretation.
Sometimes, it helps people to see that they have more fortune in their lives than others. You’ve probably heard the saying “Count your blessings.” or “First world problems.” However, that view might be a bit skewed, as you do not know how the people in the “less fortunate” situation feel about their lives. Further, you don’t have to invalidate your feelings based on your situation. If you feel something, I think it is important to allow the feelings to arise, to process them, and to move on. Do not deny your reality. This is about authenticity and alignment. Denial does not help you get closer to your dreams.
When it comes to visualization, the law of relativity explains that your visualization will be different than other people’s. We are all part of one big whole. We personally don’t have to be any one thing, or every single thing. It would be impossible to do so. With that being said, allow your deepest, truest desires to come forth when you visualize. Allow yourself to admit to yourself what you truly want, and allow the vision of that to come to life behind your eyes. You are not participating in visualization to prove anything to anyone but yourself. It is a process of finding out your true desire and then configuring a plan to get there.
The Law of Polarity
I love this law! It teaches that everything is on a spectrum and has its opposite. We see the law of polarity at work when we get something in life that we do not necessarily want. Then, when you are presented with this unwanted thing, you can see it as a lesson, and you can decide you want the opposite of what was presented to you.
With your visualization, be clear about what you want. I love the saying “Polarity creates clarity.” When you can experience something unwanted, it makes it so clear what you actually do want. Allow the feelings to grow, and the vision to expand. If you can’t figure out what you actually DO want, see yourself achieving something you DON’T want. When that becomes clear, think about the opposite of that coming true. Play with the result. Play with the vision. See how it makes you feel. We can’t always live in extremes, but with your visualization, try to play with the extremes of feelings. You want to end up on the pleasant end of the spectrum when it comes to feeling extremes during visualization. Try to see if you can imagine your feelings expanding in a positive way. This is how you will know you are experiencing the law of polarity.
The Law of Rhythm
This law explains that everything has seasons, cycles, capabilities, stages, and patterns. It is said that those who experience equanimity for all parts of the cycle- the “good” and the “bad”- have more fulfilling lives. Desirable and undesirable are just labels we put on experiences. So, allow yourself to experience all the rhythms of life without a quick desire to change anything about it. Observe, accept, reflect. Get to understand the purpose of each part of the cycle. See how it serves you and plays out in your life. See how you can bring the law of rhythm into your life to allow more flow, more fulfillment, more satisfaction, more ease.
In your visualization, you can always change what you want. Go with the flow of your seasons. You can change your mind. You can use visualization to see yourself being successful during a time that might feel overwhelming, or a time you know you need extra support. There is never a wrong time to use visualization. It can be helpful no matter what season of life you are in. The law of rhythm is a good one to have in your mind as you plan your time, and as you decide what you want to visualize to help you get the best result for you.
The Law of Gender
This law states that all beings have a divine feminine and masculine duality. This is the basis of creation. Both masculine and feminine energies are needed for life to exist, your visualization to materialize and your vision to flourish. The way I like to think about these energies is that structure is the masculine part of the duality, and creativity is the feminine aspect. Masculine is the container and feminine is the juicy essence within the container.
For your visualization, you can think about it like this: your practice, your discipline, your structure around your visualization time is the masculine essence. You might also put timelines in place, which also speaks to masculine structure. Calendar blocking your visualization sessions is a masculine practice. The feminine piece is what actually makes up your visualization. The whimsical images, the flowing narrative, the feelings that keep you yearning for more. The actual dreams you have. These are all the creative, feminine parts of your visualization.
We are in a time when gender is considered fluid and morphing, that no one characteristic or aspect belongs to any one gender. I think that all people should feel free to express themselves in whatever ways make them feel the most vibrant, authentic, life-affirming and seen. Visualization is, of course, no different. See yourself achieving the thing you want to achieve. Really go for it. Your imagination is yours. No one can take that away from you. Feel empowered to see whatever goal you have, manifesting and becoming your reality.
This concludes my three-part blog series on The 12 Universal Laws. I hope you enjoyed learning about these Laws, and how I think about them in terms of visualization! Please leave a comment if you want to continue the discussion!