12 Universal Laws As Told For Visualization

Have you ever heard of the 12 Universal Laws? These Laws, which are spiritual in nature, can be used to determine the interaction of the Universe and all beings herein. The 12 Universal Laws provide a structure for attempting to understand the powerful energy we all work with on a daily basis, often without intention or deep understanding. In recent years, one of these laws, The Law of Attraction, has been made very popular by a movie called The Secret, as well as teachers such as Abraham Hicks. While this law is very important, it is only a small piece of the puzzle. All 12 laws need to work together to bring you the kind of results you’re looking for.

If you’ve been following me for the past year or so, you know how much I love visualization and its powerful effects in our lives. Visualization is a powerful self-care technique used to increase feelings of peace, success, confidence, and fulfillment. Research shows that simply leading the mind through the completion of an activity is as powerful as taking physical action and improves performance of the action that was visualized. We can change everything with intention, determination, and belief. All of the answers that we seek are already within us. It is up to us to quiet the outside noise, trust our intuition, and dive in. For these reasons, the 12 Universal Laws completely speak to the power of visualization.

I have composed a series of 3 blog posts to describe how the 12 Universal Laws can help us to delve deeper into our visualization practice. Here, I will break down the second 4 Laws. In 1 future posts, I will describe the other Laws in detail.

  • The Law of Correspondence

This important law states that patterns exist throughout the Universe. Everything is speaking to everything else. We are all microcosms of a greater whole. The saying, “As above, so below.” comes to mind. This means that we are just smaller pieces of a huge puzzle, and our individual puzzle is a representation of the huge cosmic puzzle. Give and take, teach and learn.

I take it to mean that we don’t “do” life alone. We are meant to feel resonance with certain things, with each other, to feel that we struggle together as well as experience bliss together. We can learn from each other. Look to the great teachers in life for guidance, and try on some of their practices for yourself. Become your own healer by learning how others have healed themselves. Be an empty vessel. You don’t have to know everything and have every answer. Be teachable. Be coachable. Be willing to learn. Be willing to see what your full potential could look like. And then use what you have learned in your life.

With this in mind, what can you create in your life that might be able to affect change on a larger scale? You can use the power of visualization to help you see how you fit into this great world. How you can be taught, and how you can teach others. We are all here working together. What can you do to add your bright, fresh perspective? What is your take on it all? The world needs to hear it. Use visualization to get tapped into that deep inner knowing. Your soul has been here before. Your body is what’s new, and still its biology allows you to access ancient wisdom. Use all of these gifts to your advantage.

  • The Law of Compensation

Oooh we love talking about being compensated, right? This law speaks to the famous saying “What goes around, comes around.” We are used to discussing compensation on a material level. Things can and will show up physically when we put in effort, or take action toward it. We receive our paycheck after two weeks of work. We receive praise when we do a good job. The compound effect is a great example. Putting in small actions, consistently over time, can give us a big reward. Making small choices adds up to a new life sometimes.

There are also energetic levels of compensation. When it comes to visualization, use the law of compensation to notice all of the blessings in your life. Notice that when you use visualization, you are attracting what you want to you. You are compensating your future self by visualizing. You are aligning your life now with the life you want, and eventually (the more you do it, the faster it happens!) they will coincide.

  • The Law of Attraction

This is the law that everyone knows about! It basically says that like attracts like. When you focus on one particular thing, you will begin to notice more of it in your life. As you can probably see from the rest of the article, you have control over this! Notice your thought patterns. Notice your perception of the situation. Notice the way in which you describe your life. Your words are spells. Thoughts create things. As much as it might feel like life is out of your control, you have responsibility here. Your perception of your life creates it. While this can be somewhat frustrating and hard to understand in the real world, I encourage you to try it out. When you begin to shift your focus, and become intentional about what you are attracting, you will see your reality shifting. The Law of Attraction becomes empowering. You wonder what else you can do by attracting more of what you want to yourself.

When using this with visualization, it is important to keep the focus on remembering what you actually want. Phrase it in ways that affirm your true desires. Attract what you want to you by continually focusing on it. Be disciplined in your approach. Think about the result you want to create more often. Think of yourself as a magnet, pulling your desires to you, and repelling what you do not want away from you. Literally attract your dreams to you!

  • The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

We all have the power to make changes. Higher vibrations can consume lower vibrations. Everything is always changing. Nature is a perfect example of this. When you recognize that all life is impermanent, you can regain some intention (not control) over not dwelling on any one thing, knowing it can change into what you want with deliberate focus. You can also release any attachment to the outcome, and just go with the flow, if that feels better.

Using visualization is putting this law into action. With your discipline of walking your mind through this activity that you want to enact in the real world, you are transmuting energy that you might otherwise be spending on worrying, complaining, or otherwise letting your energy leak away from you, toward something positive and productive. You are stopping the energy leak that Dr. Joe Dispenza discusses, and refocusing that energy back into something you actually want to create. It is so powerful!

Here are the second 4 of my interpretation of The Universal Laws, as told for visualization. There are 4 more Laws, and so I will be coming out with one more blog post to explore these Laws in detail in the coming weeks.

In the comments, let me know if this resonates with your experience of The Universal Laws.