12 Universal Laws As Told For Visualization
Have you ever heard of the 12 Universal Laws? These Laws, which are spiritual in nature, can be used to determine the interaction of the Universe and all beings herein. The 12 Universal Laws provide a structure for attempting to understand the powerful energy we all work with on a daily basis, often without intention or deep understanding. In recent years, one of these laws, The Law of Attraction, has been made very popular by a movie called The Secret, as well as teachers such as Abraham Hicks. While this law is very important, it is only a small piece of the puzzle. All 12 laws need to work together to bring you the kind of results you’re looking for.
If you’ve been following me for the past year or so, you know how much I love visualization and its powerful effects in our lives. Visualization is a powerful self-care technique used to increase feelings of peace, success, confidence, and fulfillment. Research shows that simply leading the mind through the completion of an activity is as powerful as taking physical action and improves performance of the action that was visualized. We can change everything with intention, determination, and belief. All of the answers that we seek are already within us. It is up to us to quiet the outside noise, trust our intuition, and dive in. For these reasons, the 12 Universal Laws completely speak to the power of visualization.
I have composed a series of 3 blog posts to describe how the 12 Universal Laws can help us to delve deeper into our visualization practice. Here, I will break down the first 4 Laws. In 2 future posts, I will describe the other Laws in detail.
The Law of Divine Oneness
This is the foundational Universal Law. It says that we are all connected. What you want and desire is wanting you. You are meant to blossom and flourish as the fullest expression of yourself. You were put here for a reason. To embrace yourself is to embrace the whole. We are each a small piece of the larger whole. Don’t play yourself and hate on others, because that just blocks your blessings too, boo!
The Law of Divine Oneness helps with visualization because while you are picturing what you want, you are giving clear directions to the Universe/God/Source that you are calling in that thing. Your blessings are meant specifically for you, so when you get crystal clear on your vision, it helps the Universe to arrange itself in the most perfect way. While we are all connected, it is still important that you give clear directions on what you do and do not want from the Universe. You expressing yourself fully is the Universe expressing itself fully. The Universe cannot be whole without your contribution.
The Law of Vibration
Vibration can also be thought of as energy, frequency, or emotion. Connect with this and you’re golden! Our emotions are a compass that teach us about how we relate to the world. See the emotion wheel by Gloria Wilcox, and the emotional guidance scale by Abraham Hicks. Notice where you land on these scales most of the time. Try to do this without judgement. Just observe.
Abraham Hicks describes being at the right vibration, or frequency, as tuning into a radio station. To hear a particular type of music, you need to be on the right station. For you to achieve or receive life at a high vibration, you need to align your feelings and thoughts with that vibration first to get the results you want.
The key is to be patient with yourself. The first step is always mindfulness. When you can recognize how you are feeling first, without trying to change anything, then you can really get to know yourself on a deep level. Learn to recognize and appreciate your feeling patterns. Once you have practiced this, you can start to understand how to choose how you want to feel. You will start to understand what will help you vibrate at a higher frequency, and choose those actions, foods, activities, people, etc. to stay at a high vibration.
To use the Law of Vibration with visualization, you want to have a deep understanding of the types of emotions and the vibration you want to be living at on a regular basis. To do this, picture yourself achieving your goal. What feelings do you have once your goal has been met? When you can name and describe those emotions, and the physical sensations you have when achieving your goal, then you are already a vibrational match to your desires. See yourself taking steps on the way to achieving your goal. Get really clear about your emotions as they show up in your body. Continue utilizing the other Universal Laws to get closer and closer to bringing your goal into your physical reality.
The Law of Action
This is sometimes called The Law of Inspired Action. When you feel inspired and are using the Law of Vibration to your advantage, you need to be out in the world taking action. Please note that these are to be inspired actions, not random actions because you feel like you “should”. Never should on yourself! Only take inspired action when it feels right. Forcing things does not help when visualizing.
When visualizing, it can be overwhelming. You have huge goals, and you might not be exactly sure how to get there. The key here is to remember that it helps to figure out what the next 1-3 steps are on your path and TAKE THEM! Show up. You don’t need to reverse engineer your whole life. Trust that the next right action will be placed on your path. Listen to and trust your intuition, and you will be guided to take the next right step. You don’t need to know anything beyond the next 1-3 steps. Your role here is to actually take those actions! It might be uncomfortable- that is ok and expected. No one has achieved anything worth doing from within their comfort zone.
The Law of Cause and Effect
We reap what we sow. All of our actions have a reaction. We seem to understand this on a physical level. We see things in our 3D reality easily fitting into the cause and effect law. But, this also goes for emotional, spiritual and thought patterns as well. Have you ever noticed that when you think about something, you start seeing more of it in your day to day life? Trippy, right? Have you ever noticed that the more you practice doing something, the better you get at it? Or that certain thoughts send you on an emotional roller coaster or a movie that you can’t stop? Our neural pathways are well practiced and we keep thinking and doing the same things. It is by design. Our brains make shortcuts to make our lives easier. As Einstein said, “the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.” In our modern world, these connections and habits can wreak havoc on our goals because we want to be comfortable, but we still have desires for more. We want to grow, but we don’t want to feel pain. Growth is pain. It is imperative to grow to become who we are at our core. This is where visualization can help us immensely.
With visualization, our brain does not know the difference between an imagined act and a real action you have taken. This makes our muscle memory stronger. Athletes use visualization before competing to improve their performance. When you lend continued, focused positive attention toward your goal, taking action, and clearly stating what you would like, the effect will naturally be that this desired outcome will be placed on your path. It also makes visualization a safer thing than plunging headfirst into the unknown. With visualization, you get to try it out before you actually do it.
The trick is that you need to really believe what you are picturing. This has to be a deep dive, and what you dedicate attention to has to be something that the real, authentic you actually wants. When participating in a visualization exercise, you will know the difference pretty quickly. In my one on one sessions, I lead clients through the process of picking an actual desire, not one that they think they “should” want, in order to get to the heart of the matter more quickly.
So there you have it, the first 4 of my interpretation of The Universal Laws, as told for visualization. There are 8 more Laws, and so I will be coming out with more blog posts to explore these Laws in detail in the coming weeks.
In the comments, let me know if this resonates with your experience of The Universal Laws.