Hey everyone!

I was inspired to share my favorite manifestation thus far. While it was not intentional, it felt perfectly aligned with who I am, and who I want to show up as in the world.

Last Friday morning, May 3rd, I was running late. This tends to happen in my life, and is something I am actively attempting to rectify. This particular morning, the first Friday of May, was Mindful Mornings. This event is really interesting, because it brings folks together between 8-9:15 am every first Friday of the month to shine light on a particular topic and a person who embodies this topic in the community. Food is served, conversation and connection are encouraged, and time is dedicated to a wonderful cause.

Before I left my house, a thought crossed my mind. “One day, I’d really like to be involved in Mindful Mornings.” and I visualized a vague picture of myself on the stage in front of people, probably sharing something that is important to me. These were the only details. I kind of acknowledged the thought, had a feeling of excitement about it, and then allowed it to pass. I grabbed my car keys and purse and left for the event.

As I arrived, I knew I was about 10 minutes late. I was kind of bummed about this, as, like I mentioned, I want to release the drama of being late. As I was signing in, I noticed Becky (the founder of Mindful Mornings), talk to people at the registration table, including Sydney, who I knew through the Rebelle community. I saw Sydney kind of pointing at me and I was like “OMG why is she pointing at me, what did I do?”. As it turns out, Becky was asking if they knew anyone at the event who could lead the group in a 3-5 minute meditation before the program, and Sydney was pointing at me. Becky turned to me and asked if I would be willing and able to do this.

I immediately felt some things happen in my body: my heart was pounding, my face and neck started to feel warm, I started sweating a little bit and I had butterflies in my stomach- I was scared! I knew from mindfulness and meditation practice that these were signs that I was scared in that good way- that I was being pushed outside my comfort zone in a way that would help me grow and stretch into who I want to show up as.

“Yes” was my answer to Becky. “Yes” was my answer to all the people in the room. And, most importantly, “Yes!” was my answer to myself. I knew that in that moment, my intuition was speaking to me. The Universe was speaking to me. The thing I casually thought about in the morning before leaving for the event was crystalizing and coming together right in this moment! Within 15 minutes of arriving, I was stepping out onto the stage. I was answering my call. I was stepping into the highest version of myself.

Manifesting can be that easy. What I have learned is that being detached from the outcome is key, at least for me. The Universe can help put all the perfect, specific pieces in place. If I can provide the deep desire and feeling, as well as the vague idea of what I want to see materialize in my life, the Universe will take care of arranging the details. It is always better than we can imagine it.

Photo of Becky Crump and I from Friday, May 3, 2019. Photo by Gianna Grace Photography